Rotarians Keith Waller Community Service Chair, President Rob Smith, and Rotarian Extraordinaire Manie Stalker with Bunnings Blacktown Activities Organiser Cassandra Franzin
Thanks to the generosity of Bunnings Blacktown, the Rotary Club of Blacktown City are the proud new owners of the Bunnings Community BBQ.
It was a sight to behold, four members of the Rotary Club of Blacktown City maneuvering a slightly too long and much too heavy Community BBQ up very flimsy ramps onto a little too short trailer to transport the now superseded Bunnings Blacktown Community BBQ to its new home at the Rotary Club of Blacktown City.
The Community BBQ will continue its hard work to make a difference in the community by raising funds for the many worthwhile causes supported by the Rotary Club of Blacktown City.
Thank you, Cassandra and Bunnings Blacktown, for your continued support and incredible generosity.