The Rotary Club of Blacktown City Inc members is a group of ordinary men and women, professional and retired who act to give something back to the community. Our contributions may seem small, but we’ve made a difference in thousands of lives, and you can too!
As community volunteers, we reach out to neighbours in need. We build, support, and organise. We save lives. Around the world and around the corner, we join with other Rotary Clubs (the 1.4 million International men and women of Rotary) to make a difference.
Blacktown City Rotary is where neighbours, friends, and problem-solvers share ideas, join leaders and take action to create lasting change.
Rotary Club of Blacktown City Inc is where neighbours, friends, and problem-solvers share ideas, join leaders and take action to create lasting change.
Service to the Community
Membership of Rotary is a means of giving back to the community, through using your professional skills or just being there to help out physically, on a local or international level. The Rotary Club of Blacktown City provides a variety of services including homelessness and raises funds for different charitable projects. Rotarians believe in “Service above Self”.
International Citizens
Every Rotarian wears a “Rotary International” pin and is welcome to attend meetings at any of the 46,000+ clubs in 200 nations and geographical regions. There are few places on the globe that do not have a Rotary Club. Being a Rotarian affords the opportunity to make friends at home and all over the world.
Leadership and Development
Rotary is an organisation comprising leaders and successful people, experienced in team building, fundraising, public speaking, planning, organizational, and communication. Being a Rotary leader provides further experience in learning how to motivate, inspire and guide others.
Rotary was founded on fellowship, an ideal that remains a major attraction of membership today. Club members enjoy camaraderie with like-minded professionals and working on club projects with others offering the opportunity to develop enduring friendships. Rotary club members who travel have friendly contacts in almost every city in the world.
Good Citizenship
Practically every country, culture, race, creed, political persuasion, religion, language, colour, and ethnic identity are represented in Rotary, forming a cross-section of the world’s most prominent citizens. Rotarians become aware of other cultures and learn to love and work with people everywhere, becoming better citizens of their own countries as a result. Rotary club programs and circulars keep members informed about our national and international activities and motivated to make a difference.
Ethical Environment
Maintaining high ethical standards in professional activities and demonstrating respect for others have been hallmarks of the Rotary ethos from the beginning. Rotarians abide by The Four-Way Test: Of the things we think, say, or do:
We invite you to visit our club and find out more about us and the opportunities we offer to get involved.
Regular meetings of the Club are held once a week at such a time as the Board decides, currently each Tuesday from 7.00 pm – 8:00 pm in the Wattle Room at Workers Blacktown, 55 Campbell Street, Blacktown. At most of our meetings, we have a guest speaker who talks about an area of vocational or community interest. Our meetings also include brief updates on our projects, events, strategies and social activities.
Dinner: Members gather before the weekly meeting for dinner in the Lusso Restaurant on Level One of Workers Blacktown from 6 pm – 7 pm for fellowship. You are welcome to join them.
If you would like to attend a meeting, or if you are a visiting Rotarian, or have any questions, please contact us using the Contact Us page and Attendance / Apologies or appropriate option, before 12 noon on Monday for a Tuesday evening meeting if attending. before th
Members contribute to Rotary according to changing demands of family and work commitments. Rotary as an organisation recognises the need for members to place family and employment ahead of volunteer activities.
The Rotary Club of Blacktown City meets weekly throughout the year to hear guest speakers address varied and relevant topics. Members are encouraged to also work on one of the club’s project committees or take up a Board position, meeting once a month to plan and report on projects under their direction.