Rotary responds to earthquake in Turkey, Syria
Turkey and Syria were struck by a devastating earthquake on 6 February that has killed tens of thousands of people, destroyed thousands of homes and other structures, and left people across the region without shelter in bitterly cold winter weather. The Rotary world responded to this catastrophe immediately. Rotary leadership has activated our disaster response efforts, communicated with the affected districts, and encouraged governors in those regions to apply for disaster response grants. In addition, our project partner ShelterBox and service partner Habitat for Humanity are working on their responses. Find out how you can have the greatest impact.
Providing a safe haven

Welcome.US, a nonpartisan initiative in the United States, was launched in September 2021 to assist those fleeing Afghanistan, but has expanded to embrace refugees from the war in Ukraine. The organization is collaborating with Rotary to find hosts for refugee families. A member of the Rotary Club of Wilmington East, North Carolina, USA, is hosting two mothers of young children. Read his blog post in Rotary Voices.
Peace and safe drinking water for Lebanon

A decade ago, all of Lebanon’s Rotary clubs united behind a global, grant-funded project to bring clean drinking water to nearly every school in the country in partnership with outside groups and Lebanese government ministries. In May, the last of the more than 1,000 schools targeted by the effort received filters and tanks. The project has delivered more than just water, sowing seeds of peace in a land torn by conflict. Read more.